Saturday, 22 March 2014

Strength of interpretation

This exercise involved making low key and high key conversions - one set in black and white, and one set in colour.  I figured that for this a strong silhouette would be effective (as in the course materials).  The images needed to be dominated by tone, line and shape.

Here is the original JPEG as shot (average exposure - SD Picture Control) - Auto White Balance):

I then created copies for processing, changing only key and exposure (no colour changes) by moving exposure up or down 1 stop and also changing brightness or contrast.  I have exaggerated the effects for the purposes of the exercise, more so than I probably would in reality.  You can also see a splodge on my lens...

High Key:

Low Key:

For the high key images, I think the effect is too much.  I found a better effect by adjusting exposure only and not touching the brightness:

The most successful of these I think is the second high key black and white (exposure only adjusted).  I think if I had got lower and made more of the shadows it would have been a great image.

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