Sunday 16 February 2014

Before They Pass Away - Jimmy Nelson

On 4 February 2014, I attended the Jimmy Nelson event at the Royal Geographical Society Before They Pass Away.  This was an evening in which Nelson presented his project (and book) to document disappearing tribes.  His approach was different to other photographers - these pictures are posed portraits - the people have put their "Sunday best" on and are photographed in their natural setting but in a way that is captivating, beautiful - showing them quite literally at their best.  In terms of photography - this is not really my cup of tea (I prefer unposed candid shots)- although I very much enjoyed the evening.  The benefit I got from this was another insight into how personal voice in photography can be achieved.  In this case the voice, the reason for the photography and the unique style was very clear.  Nelson had something to say, something he is passionate about, and was able to put the photographs together in a manner that was aesthetically pleasing and meaningful to a wide audience.

Wish someone would sponsor me 4 years off work to put a project together like this! 

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