Sunday 16 February 2014

Martin Hartley

I had the pleasure to meet Martin Hartley yesterday at the Telegraph Outdoor Show.  Hartley is amongst other things, an Expedition photographer, so with the Artctic and Antarctic on my "bucket list", I was very interested to see his images.  Hartley worked on the  Catlin Arctic Survey as the expedition photographer, which during his talk got me thinking about how I can make the transition from office worker to being able to make a living from photography.  Hartley's advice was to create a portfolio and get it seen by people that I would like it to work with, be prepared to make sacrifices, be disciplined but above all get your work seen.  He also works commercially to pay the bills, so I presume he has to compromise somewhere on balance between personal interests and functional work.

And thinking of personal voice?  Drama.  Action.  Exposure (to the elements).  See Spindrift, Polynia, Flirting Dogs and Solo.

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